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How to add and remove elements from an array in PHP?

Adding and removing elements from arrays in PHP can be achieved using various built-in functions and array manipulation techniques. Adding Elements to an Array: You can add elements to an array by assigning values to new or existing keys using square brackets [ ]. PHP array_push() appends one or more elements to the end of an array.

How do I add an array to a stack in PHP?

add 2 returns 1 If you push an array onto the stack, PHP will add the whole array to the next element instead of adding the keys and values to the array. If this is not what you want, you're better off using array_merge() or traverse the array you're pushing on and add each element with $stack[$key] = $value.

What does array_merge do in PHP 5+?

$a= $var; array_merge ($a, $b) should do exactly what you want, at least with PHP 5+. I totally disagree with the term "append". Append really means that items of one array become elements of another (destination) array which might already has some elements, therefore changing the destination array.

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